Tibor Koromzay: about me


I was born in Bratislava in 1967 into a family with Hungarian roots and grew up in Switzerland. I am happily married and live with my wife in the Zurich Oberland and in Brittany. One of my hobbies is surfing, and I can tell you one thing: “you can't stop the wave - but you can learn to surf” is not only true when it comes to change management.


I learned early on that I can learn a wide variety of things very easily and quickly. In this respect, I am probably not completely normal, and so over time a lot of things have come together that I can incorporate into my work today.

Almost thirty years ago, I worked in an industrial company that had achieved an empowerment corporate culture with a very high degree of maturity and was very successful in business terms. This had a lasting impact on my view of leadership, corporate management and collaboration, long before the agility hype.

Humanistic psychology has had an important influence on my basic attitudes. I have a fundamentally positive view of people.

In many years as an employee, manager and consultant, I have repeatedly made the following experience: when things go wrong, it practically always happens at the level of leadership and collaboration. Organizations do not fail due to a lack of brilliance. They ultimately fail because of the culture they create themselves. This has shaped my focus on these dimensions. This is where I want to make my contribution so that things develop for the better.


I have pursued many different things, and each of them at a high level. This combination of breadth and depth is rare, to say the least, and helps me to connect different perspectives: Business, leadership, psychology, organizational consulting, music and photography, meditation, competitive sports, martial arts. My broad professional experience complements this range.

So you can assume that I won't reach my limits so quickly - and I would like to make this available to my clients.

What matters now

Radical openness, lightness and humor, honest shared learning instead of promises of salvation, benevolence, appreciation and integrity are values that guide me and that I want to uphold and live by in my client relationships.

I have a deep-rooted fundamental confidence. I always approach my mandates with the basic idea of creating something good together. In collaboration with you.

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