Organisational Development is a success, if the fun comes with working, and not from a clown you hired.
It’s time again for my annual satirical retrospective. Today it’s about corpses at the table, helvetic Shamans, crowded hotel rooms, undercomplexity, and quality goods.s
Don't put too much emphasis on fruit baskets - rather just be there. Be present, listen to people. This will rise the mood automatically.
A Job is often defined too narrow. "Helping each other" should be seen as part of it. When that is understood, both by employees and Leaders, many things can get better.
Organisational Development depends much on the Leadership Culture. Orientation towards the clichés of top level Sports can lead to the wrong things being focused.
Leading is not just a part time job. About Constipation, coffee cups and printer paper, changing jobs, systemically needed functions, tightrope walking, and physics lessons.
Leadership and Integrity go together. Today it's about fake videos, freedom of empathy, spoiled brats, parties in Hurden, and bad style.
Leadership Development is worth gold, because leadership will determine what is possible in your organisation, and what is not.
One mustn't lose the sense of humor. A look back on absurdities that crossed my way this year, in and beyond organisations.
Vision and Mission are important. They can be supported by the additional element of Ambition. That helps orientation and identification.