"Nachgedacht" - The Blog around topics of Leadership, Collaboration, Personal Growth, and Corporate Culture

This is where I write, infrequently, about sense and nonsense in the world of managers and consultants, things which occupy my mind, some serious, others funny and frank. The contributions are intended to entertain and to inspire further thoughts about the challenges managers have to face today – and tomorrow.

  • Brexit is all around - 07/2016

    Brexit is all around - 07/2016

    About the word of the year, the communicative skills of Nigel Farage, an odd future motto, Kofi Annan, Dinosaurs, and brittle woodwork.   

  • Is Everything VUCA with You? - 06/2016

    Is Everything VUCA with You? - 06/2016

    About fitness hypes, adaptiveness and agility, very silly advice, messies, the blood-brain barrier, dices and liveliness.   

  • Supervisors on the Run - 05/2016

    Supervisors on the Run - 05/2016

    About buffers, earth mother, husbands in hazard, receptions with champagne, and about stepping out of the shade.   

  • Castingshows and colorful Smarties - 04/2016

    Castingshows and colorful Smarties - 04/2016

    About superstars, brilliance castings, colored smarties, digital natives who are not always different, the Silicon Valley, Warren Buffett, and your personal worth.   

  • Are You the Limiting Factor? - 03/2016

    Are You the Limiting Factor? - 03/2016

    About support from the top, a law that I postulate, correlations, chimpanzees, Sophokles and Shakespeare, return on investment, and good news regarding a fulfilling life.   

  • A Heart for Cynics - 02/2016

    A Heart for Cynics - 02/2016

    About missing soup, collective depression, Tullius Destructivus, balance of dread, hard truths, compassion, and wild pigs.   

recently with a pandazoom

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